With beautiful countryside, lovely coastal areas and a reasonable commute to London, relocating to Sussex has become increasingly popular since the pandemic. But selling your London house and finding the perfect property is only part of the story - schooling is also an important consideration.
For those thinking of the Independent sector, Sussex boasts some of the top schools in the UK. Here are our top 10 schools in Sussex, based on league tables published by the Good School Guide. It is not an exhaustive guide, there are other excellent schools in Sussex, please do get in touch if you would like additional information.
Brighton college
Co-ed 11-18. Day and Boarding. For further information visit the website at https://www.brightoncollege.org.uk/college/
Open mornings are heavily oversubscribed but a waiting list is open. The dates of the next mornings have not yet been announced. Contact the school for further details.
Entry at 11+ to Lower School (registration must be made by mid-November of Year 6 although it is recommended that this is actually made by year 5, due to the popularity of the school.)
For 13+ entry, candidates usually take the ISEB pre-test in Year 6. If they score highly here, they are invited to take the Common Entrance exam and entry is based on results from this.
16+ entry needs to be made by Year 11 at the latest, although again, a year ahead of this is recommended.
Some parents chose to move their child into the nursery (3+ entry), or pre-prep (4+ entry) or prep entry where pupils can stay until they take the 13+ entry to the College.
An alternative is St Christopher’s, one of the leading prep schools in Sussex and part of the Brighton College family of schools. It follows the same curriculum as Brighton College and sends many pupils to Brighton College at the 13+ entry point.
Girls, 11-18. Day and Boarding. For further information visit the website at https://www.roedean.co.uk/
The next Open morning is October 2nd, contact the school for more information. It is recommended that school visits are carried out one and a half to two years before the preferred entry date.
11+ entry registration must be made by 11th October. Entrance tests take place in January.
13+ entry follows the same process.
16+ entry into the Sixth Form has the same registration deadline of 11th October with entrance tests taking place in November. Sixth Form Open Evening is 5th October, contact the school for a place.
Interested parents and prospective pupils can join in activities at the school. Visit https://www.roedean.co.uk/admissions/get-to-know-us for more information.
Hurtspierpoint (known locally as Hurst)
Co-ed. 4-19 years. Prep school is a day school, Senior school is Day or Boarding. For further information visit the website at https://www.hppc.co.uk/about-us/
For reception entry see: https://www.hppc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Reception_Admissions_process_2022_V1.pdf
For Prep school 7+ entry see: https://www.hppc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Year-3_Admissions_process_2022_V1.pdf
For 11+ entry see: https://www.hppc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Year-7_Admissions_process_2022_V1.pdf
or 13+ entry registered pupils are asked to sit the online ISEB Common Pre-tests in Year 6. These are age standardised computer tests which measure ability and attainment. Pupils then sit the 13+ entry test in Jan/February of Year 8. For further information see: https://www.hppc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/13_Admissions_process.pdf
For Sixth Form entry see https://www.hppc.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/16_Admissions_process_2022_V2.pdf
A school visit is strongly recommended. For further information see: https://www.hppc.co.uk/admissions/prospectus-open-morning-requests/
Worth School
A Catholic co-educational 11-18 school with Day and Boarding facilities. About half the pupils board. Non-selective. For further information visit the website at www.worthschool.org.uk
The school does not run group Open events but see prospective families on an individual basis. To organise a visit email admissions@worth.org.uk
Entry is at Year 7 or 9, plus the Sixth Form, although occasional places do become available.
The IB is offered as well as A Levels in the Sixth Form
Farlington school
4-18. Co-ed. Prep school is a day school, Senior school is Day or Boarding. For further information visit the website at https://www.farlingtonschool.com/
A whole school Open Morning is running on the 2nd October with a Sixth Form Open Evening on the 9th November. To register visit: https://www.farlingtonschool.com/580/announcements/announcement/44/register-now-for-our-open-morning-or-sixth-form-open-evening
The school starts at Nursery age where children from 3 months to 5 years are admitted.
Most Nursery children then move to Farlington Lower school, through to the Middle school and the Senior School.
Up to year 7, entrance assessments are sat, plus interviews. 11+,12+, 13+ and 16+ entries are accepted plus occasional places in other years. Although Assessment tests are sat, the school accepts a broad range of children.
Lancing college
Co-ed. 3-18 For further information visit the website at https://www.lancingcollege.co.uk/
Feeder Prep schools: https://www.lancingcollege.co.uk/prep-hove/ and https://www.lancingcollege.co.uk/prep-worthing/
The school is over-subscribed and the main entry at 13+ entry is recommended through the pre-test route. Entry for 2024 is now open and information can be found at: https://www.lancingcollege.co.uk/sites/default/files/inline-files/Lancing_College_Advance_Programme_2024_WEB.pdf
For Sixth Form entry, pupils must be registered by the October of Year 11 and meet the entry requirements in terms of GCSE grades the following summer.
Christ’s Hospital
Co-ed. 11-18. Boarding and Day school. For further information (including the history of the famous uniform) visit the website at https://www.christs-hospital.org.uk/about-christs-hospital/
Entry is usually at 11+ and 13+ via entrance tests and interviews.
Deadlines for 2022 Bursary entry have passed and entrance tests take place in October. For non-bursary entry, contact the school directly.
16+ entry bursary entry deadline is 25th October.
The school offers a significant number of bursary places. It is the UK’s leading charitable school and largest UK bursary charity.
Eastbourne college
Co-ed. 12-19. Day and Boarding. For further information visit the website at https://www.eastbourne-college.co.uk/
Prep School is St Andrew’s https://www.standrewsprep.co.uk/ which offers nursery, pre-prep and prep entry.
Open Morning for the Senior school is 9th October, for the Prep school the 8th and 9th October. To book visit: https://www.eastbourne-college.co.uk/admissions/getting-to-know-us/open-event-booking/
13+ entry. The school recommends registration when a pupil is in Year 5 or 6 (age 9 or 10), even though entry will not be until Year 9. This early application allows early entry offers to be made. For later registration to sit 13+ assessments, contact the college directly.
16+ entry. Applications should be made by the end of Year 10. Visit https://www.eastbourne-college.co.uk/admissions/fees/register-online/
Ardingly College
Co-ed. 2-18 https://www.ardingly.com/
The next Open Mornings are: Senior School 2nd October, the Prep School is 8th October. Contact the school to register.
Pupils in Years 5 or 6 who thinking of applying can attend a sports Masterclass. These are running from November onwards and further information can be found at: https://www.ardingly.com/admissions/masterclasses/
Entry is usually at 11+, 13+ or 16+ although some occasional places do come up for other years.
For 11+ entry, registration is by 26th November. There ara a number of scholarships available for Music, Drama, Sport or Academic and applications must be made by 17th-19th January. For more information visit: https://www.ardingly.com/admissions/entry-timeline/
13+ entry involves taking the ISEB pre-tests. Entry for 2022 is full and only a few places are available for 2023, immediate contact with the school is advised. 2024 entries are now open and the pre-test needs to be taken before December 2021. For more information visit https://www.ardingly.com/admissions/entry-timeline/
16+ entries are required to sit a pre-test which will be held (for UK applicants) on 16th October and for International applicants on 15th/16th October. Further entrance assessments take place on 6th November but applications must be submitted by 4th October 2021. For further information visit https://www.ardingly.com/admissions/admissions-proceedutre-2/
Mayfield school
Girls, 11-18. Day and Boarding. Catholic. For further information visit the website at: https://www.mayfieldgirls.org/
The next Open Mornings are: Tuesday 9 November from 10am-12pm, followed by lunch, and a virtual Open Morning on Saturday 27 November from 11am-12.00pm.
11+ entry via the ISEB pre-test. See https://www.mayfieldgirls.org/admissions/entry-and-assessment/year-7-admissions
13+ entry via the school’s own entrance assessments. See https://www.mayfieldgirls.org/admissions/entry-and-assessment/year-9-admissions
16+ also via the school’s own entrance assessments. See https://www.mayfieldgirls.org/admissions/entry-and-assessment/sixth-form-admissions
Occasional entries are accepted if there are places available.