The UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) is a computer-based assessment of a student's qualities related to medical professionals.
The admission tests help universities to decide who to interview, as medical and dentistry places are hugely oversubscribed.
There are 233 multiple choice questions and you sit a 2-hour examination.
You can prepare for the assessments through practice with papers available in shops, online, or through courses, or tutoring.
UCAT Assessment
The UCAT assessment is a test of aptitude, made up of the following:
Decision Making (31 minutes, 29 Questions) - an assessment of your ability to make the appropriate decision in complex situations.
Verbal Reasoning (21 minutes, 44 Questions) - an assessment of your critical evaluation of writing.
Quantitative Reasoning (25 minutes, 36 Questions) - an assessment of your working with numerical information.
Abstract Reasoning (12 minutes, 50 Questions) - the use of divergent and convergent thinking styles.
Situation Judgement (26 minutes, 69 Questions) - Looking at your reasoning with real-life medical examples.
You receive a total scaled mark of between 1200 and 3600, and many medical schools have a cut-off, whether that is a fixed score or a top percentage of candidates. The top 10% scored 2850 or above in 2021.
The assessment takes place at designated test centres.
There is no negative marking.
Results are immediate, but allow 24 hours for your online profile to reflect this.
Results are valid for that year's entry or your deferred entry only.
UCAT results are sent directly to your universities.
UCAT Applications
You can find the whole list of UCAT universities here.
You can book for 2022 for any time between 11 July and 29th September, but the final booking deadline is 22 September.
The UCAT costs £70 in the UK, £115 abroad - there is support for candidates in financial need.
The UCAT does use access arrangements where required.
You can only take the test once a year.
UCAT Thoughts
Most students find the pace of the assessment more difficult than the actual questions.
Preparation is required, we advise a couple of months at least!
Become familiar with the style of questions, practise them, practise speeding up against a clock, analyse where you need to improve.
We can help with all UCAT preparation, contact us today.